A Musical Gift

A Musical Gift

A WONDERFUL piano recital by Blair School of Music Junior Jack Allen was enjoyed by all Wednesday in Hillwood PC’s sanctuary!  Thank you for sharing your amazing gift of music Jack!  We look forward to hosting future concert opportunities!

Young Adults Outing Sunday, Feb.27

HPC Young Adults are attending The Little Mermaid (directed by HPC’s own LILY PALMER!!!) at University School of Nashville presented at 2 p.m. Sunday 27 Feb.  Contact Pastor Jule or Cynthia Palmer if interested in attending — or click here to reserve your...
HPC’s NEW MINISTRY with Hillwood High School

HPC’s NEW MINISTRY with Hillwood High School

The NEW Hillwood HOPE Mission!  23 Feb., 23 March, 6 April from 10:30 a.m. – 12:25 p.m., Hillwood PC members and friends have the opportunity to be present in Hillwood High School’s HOPE ROOM.  HHS has established the Hope Room as a new space seeking to provide for...
Final Sunday Fellowship- Feb. 27

Final Sunday Fellowship- Feb. 27

The last Sunday of the month, all are invited to the parlor for fellowship snacks together (coffee, tea, lemo, cookies, veggies, fruit, whatever the host brings!).  We hope all will attend worship and fellowship on Sunday, 27 Feb.  Contact Cynthia Palmer or Martha...
HPC in mission this week

HPC in mission this week

HPC in Mission this week! Serving God by serving others at Brookdale Belle Meade The Crossings Senior Living and Hillwood High School Hope Room. (Week of Feb. 6,...