HPC encourages faithful stewardship of time, talents, and finances. We receive financial offerings in the form of cash, checks, online donations, stocks, bonds, securities, personal property, appreciated real estate, paid-up insurance policies, and charitable trusts. Contact HPC’s Treasurer or Financial Administrator for assistance with any forms of financial gifts.
Also note: HPC has Legacy Funds (managed by the PCUSA’s Foundation) that can be designated in 3 ways:
1. Mission Fund – these legacy gifts offer help to those in need locally or globally
2. Ministry Fund – these legacy gifts support the greatest ministry needs among HPC
3. Capital Project Fund – these legacy gifts improve, expand, renovate, or replace HPC physical property
Legacy Gifts can be designated by the donor to any or all of the three funds. Donors also can direct the church to use their legacy gift to the greatest need as determined by the Trustees and Session. Contact HPC’s Treasurer or Financial Administrator for assistance with Legacy Giving.