Hill Pantry Annex

Get a look at the community impact happening through the Hill Pantry Annex. All ages and abilities work together to ensure immigrant families of our local schools have the food needed for snacks and meals for the week. From receiving, packing, & delivering food to local families of a nearby apartment complex. The Hill Pantry Annex is a partnership of Hillwood Presbyterian Church (USA) & H.G. Hill Middle School located on the west side of Nashville, TN.

Click the image below to download the brochure.

Brookdale Belle Meade Crossings Residents Outing to HPC

Brookdale Belle Meade Crossings Residents Outing to HPC

Wednesday, 16 October: Brookdale Belle Meade Crossings service and fellowship outing to HPC - 10:00 a.m. to Noon (food packing with coffee following). All are invited to share in this special time of connection with the precious residents from Brookdale Belle Meade...

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Thank You Friends Life Community!

Thank You Friends Life Community!

Friends Life Community volunteers joined HPC in ministry recently!  They assisted by making cards for teachers and packing food and snack bags for distribution with Hill Pantry Annex.  They always bring joy and smiles to HPC.

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Hill Pantry Annex Helping Hands Needed

Hill Pantry Annex Helping Hands Needed

Monday, 1 July: Meet at 2:15 p.m. at the church for delivery between 3 -3:30 p.m. when students are at tutoring in the leasing office. Sunday, 14 July:  Meet at HPC at 11:30 a.m. to load up food to hand out about noon Contact Pastor Jule to assist.  

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