With 2020 plans to expand our ministry of worship through livestreaming, COVID-19 ensured that dream came to fruition! Worshippers now have the option to participate with the gathered community in person or individually through at home livestreaming or whenever it works for them through our library of stored services on our YouTube channel. Whatever means of worship work best for you, please remember to record your attendance that we can keep an accurate log of participation.
In person, we gather for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. in the H.G. Hill Chapel. Because we value ritual and liturgical-based worship; services include components from the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship and the Directory for Worship: gathering in God’s name, hearing of Christ’s love, listening for the Word of God, responding to the Word, and going forth to serve. We follow the seasons of the church year – from Advent and Christmas through Lent, Easter, and Pentecost to All Saints’ Day and Christ the King Sunday. Scripture and preaching are central to our weekly worship of God, as is music. Children of all ages are welcomed and included in A Time for Children during worship each week.
Two sacraments are a part of our life together: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Baptisms of infants and adults occur during morning worship and reflect life in the covenant community of followers of the Christ, the One who himself was anointed with water and the Spirit to serve in the world. Typically, the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month. As those committed to an open table that reflects the wide expanse of Love, all are welcome to participate in the gracious feast symbolized by the table.
Children worship with their parents, and there is A Time with Children early in the order of the service. Following this time on the second Sunday of the month, children may attend an interactive experience in Children’s Church where they learn, serve, and grow together. Nursery is available weekly for children under three years of age. Children’s bulletin and other activities are available in the narthex.
Music is an integral part of the worship life of Hillwood Presbyterian Church. Click here to learn more!

Take a look back on Holy Week 2024 and the ministry of Hillwood Presbyterian Church through it all! From community service to somber worship to the joy and celebration of Easter morning!!! Holy Week 2024 has been a blessing in so many ways! New Life is for all! Gratefully we live! To learn more go to www.hillwoodpc.org.